Thursday, June 8, 2017

Why All-in-One Automatic Car Tent Umbrella is the best Protection for anyCar

Owning a posh car makes one feel on top of the world because that is a great achievement in life. It speaks a lot about the social class and status of the owner and thus they get respected. If you have a flashy model like 2016 Rolls-Royce Phantom, you would never take chances with its safety and look. You would go to great lengths to protect its quality and appearance so that it does not get scorched by the sun and cause the paint to start fading and cracking.

However, when you go to places where there is no shade, you must park your car in the sun and that is risky because the scorching heat of the sun will compromise its stunning look. If you park your car under a tree, you avoid it from the heat of the sun but birds that nest on that tree mess up your car with their droppings. Therefore, you need a car umbrella so that it can take absolute care of your car by protecting it from sun and dirt. That's why you should consider using All-in-One Automatic Car Tent.

Features and Design of Car Umbrella

This car umbrella looks like the normal human umbrella that people use to shelter themselves from rain or the sun. It is designed in the same way despite the fact that it is bigger than the human umbrella.

It is very stable and the manufacturer has fitted it with four ropes to strengthen and stabilize it from being carried away by the wind. It is also made with special technology so that the wind does not damage it.

When it is very windy, the umbrella automatically lets go off the cloth from the holder and thus it cannot be damaged by the wind.

Reliability of this Car Umbrella

This umbrella can be used in a wide range of cars because it is adjustable. If your car is small, you can adjust it to that size and also if your car is bigger you can adjust it accordingly.

The manufacturer has also considered about the safety of this umbrella by putting a wire inside the straps that are used to attach it to the holder. Inside the straps there are wires. Therefore, if a thief comes with a knife to cut the straps so that he can steal the umbrella, it cannot be possible.

Its framework is made of hardened military fiberglass rods that give it stability to withstand the wind. The skeleton fitting is also of high quality and thus they are durable.

Safety of This Umbrella to Your Car

This umbrella is absolutely safe for your car because its holder cannot graze or leave any marks on the body of your car. The bottom of the holder that comes into contact with the body of your car is very soft because it is made from soft circle.


This umbrella is ideal for your car for it to maintain a stunning look. It gives you a long service and it looks very appealing when fixed on any car.


  1. I also like to park outside all the time. The sun burned my car. Every time I get into the car, it's very hot. It's a good thing I have an umbrella now.

  2. Really informative blog. Much thanks again. Keep rolls royce dubai
