Thursday, November 10, 2016

Car Umbrella – The Best Protective Car Shield

A quite familiar vocable which typically refers to a device for protection against sunlight or rain. Its inherent functionality is acting as shade for an individual and protecting them from sunlight and rain. The word which is in the limelight here is “Car Umbrella”! Yes, you read it right - its Car Umbrella or a Car Tent. The umbrella can now not only be a shield to humans but also to automobiles. It is readily available here:

Be it humans or automotive safeguarding and security is a must for both. Car Umbrella has been fabricated keeping cars protection in mind. It’s a feature which acts as a protection shield for cars. Setting up of the umbrella is simple as ABC and just a click away. The installation process is quite smooth and takes just 30s to get installed while the only 8s for the umbrella to get opened once installed. Additionally, it supports strong wireless connection transmissions up to a distance of 98fts. No matter you are sitting in office or garden, as far as you are in a radius of 98fts your car can get shielded easily when needed. As far as design is considered it is just 85 cm long and weighing only 6kg which makes it portable, handy and can be easily accommodated in the boot of your car.

Many times when cars are standing outdoors their agility gets messed up by damages like birds dropping, dust, acid rains, deciduous, etc. Now, all these heterogeneous spoilage can be camouflaged with car umbrella. Hot sunny days can trouble the allure and artistry of your car but if you have great fondness for your darling car and you are in requisite of protection then solution is - the car umbrella which safeguards the car from the scorching sunlight and gives a temperature difference of 35 degrees as compared to car standing without any umbrella covering.
As the sunscreens protect your beautiful skin from damaging so does the car umbrella. It helps in maintaining the color, shine, and beauty of your car as the umbrella is sunscreen simplified, that is even if the tent temperature increases heat will not be transmitted to the car because the air is flown between the umbrella and the car, which helps in keeping the car cool.

Parking cars outdoors cannot be an overhead anymore as the umbrellas can be simply opened up proving a shade to cars. As well as if you are stuck in waiting for someone and needs shade, you have your own shade installed in your car. Going on a business trip raises a big question in your mind about the safety of the car. The answer to this is car umbrella, get it opened up and get the car shielded. You will find your car as you have left it once you are back from business trip.
Car umbrella crops up with three available colors and in supplement with the advantage of creating your own DIY designs.

So if car’s protection and safety is your major concern then get your cars installed with the car umbrellas soon.

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